Looks like a bit of what one might call heaven to me. Your decision to stay in Koukouleika and repair the damage was a good one. The entire ambiance of your new home is just beautiful. Especially like the stone floors and such a wonderful kitchen.

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Love your house so much! It’s beautiful! The outside makes me think of some Durango adobes. Always enjoy updates about your lives 🌟

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It's lovely! I love your aesthetic. I want to pick your brain about thoughts on getting dual citizenship for myself (in Greece) :)

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How does it feel? Happy for the choice to stay I hope! Missing you. Sending love and let’s talk soon. I will be on the east coast this week and easier to connect with.

The house looks sparse, lovely, fresh, ready to be a home again, even sans screens and windows! OY! Hoping to come in the fall.

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Really nice

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Love! I want to hear more about the different ripple! 🤍

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